Submitted By:Ismail Ulukus
I had talked about the five existence dimensions of the human to you in my previous articles. The human gathers on himself all the physical and chemical features of the matters world in first dimension, all the physiological features of the plants world in second dimension, all the psychological features of the animals world in third dimension. He also gets a humanistic personality different from the other creatures with the thinking, deciding and adjudicating ability in fourth dimension.
Certainly the wonderful benefactions have been provided to himself until the human comes this level. Now, try to think only the physiological dimension. Thousands of chemicals perform their parts in this mechanism. Think to not do only one enzyme or only one hormone it's act. How distressed days human lives.
Try to remember the benefactions at your psychological dimension. Think to weaken your attention, to be absent your memory, or to lose your consciousness. Imagine that you are afflicted with mental deficiency. How bad case for you!
Now, think to be destroyed your mind benefaction. Everybody treat you like dirt, for you can not think and for you can not be possessed of the power of deciding and responsibility. You can not manage yourselves. You can not manage your wares and properties. Your relations with the society in which you live completely breakdown. You can not sign an agreement and a contract. You can not vote. Even, if you bring any information, nobody believes this news. This is how much bad case.
The human, here, in his first four dimensions, has attained measureless benefactions of his creator Almighty God (Allah) who has possession of mercy and compassion. But, I'm sorry to say, the majority of the humans are not aware of these benefactions.
My dear brother,
The Almighty Allah (God), who is the creator and the greatest conservator of the human, has equipped with such measureless benefactions the human up to fourth mind dimension. And He also wishes to complete His benefactions and favors on the human by carrying him to the vertex of the maturities for rendering him much more precious and excellent in fifth dimension after this point.
"Allah does not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favor to you, ..." (Qur'an, Maide, 6)
But these favors that will be realize after this phase has been rendered dependent on the own will of person. Namely, for this, it is necessary that person must abandon his own personality, his own arrogance, and his own egoism; and he must completely submit and subject to his creator's volition. This submission is called, briefly, as Islam.
I had tried to expound the human in the previous articles. In this article, I'll try to explicate Islam.
My dear brother,
Islam is an Arabic originated word and it means "submittal, to lay down one's arms". Its meaning as a religious term is submission and being subject to the volition of The Almighty Creator that He has not a match, a partner, a similar and an assistant; He has created the physical and metaphysical worlds; He keeps them in existence by supplying their needs; He provides necessary power, force and energy for them; He arranges and organizes them in wise which He wills; He renders present or absent every things who wills, at the time He wills; He is real owner the whole property and is only one sovereign on the worlds. Islam is to live according to the orders, the wishes, and the rules of this Almighty Creator, but not according to the wishes of person's own ego. Briefly, Islam is to live as Allah wills, but not as his own self desires.
Certainly, this is realized only by belief. Can it be under discussion to be subjected to God's volition, without believing and not being accepted His existence? For this reason, the religion erudites have accepted that the belief is the fundamental of the religion.
My precious brother,
Religions are the systems in which divine schooling becomes fact. Divine mercy turns into well behaviours in the personality of the human owing to religions. By means of the religions, the human gets a clean and mature divine personality, escaping from the bad and egoist humanistic personality.
The Almighty Creator sees proper the name Allah for Himself in His Last Book. This name gathers all nice attributes of Him on own self. For this reason, I'll prefer to use this name.
"The Religion before Allah is Islam." (Qur'an, Al-i Ýmran, 19)
Islam is to appear the Rab (educator) nice attribute of Allah on the human. Allah taala has given Islam name for own schooling system that will bear away the human to the peaks of the maturities. Islam is a doctrine. It is the name of an educating and schooling system notifying by a prophets chain be ranging to Muhammed aleyhissalaam from Adam aleyhissalaam.
The essence of all the celestial religions is Islam, though there are some differences between their sharia. Islam is an ego educating system. Islam means to live a person according to The Almighty Creator's wills, but not his ego's wills. Islam means that submittal of the human to the rules of Allah by witnessing the existence of Allah taala who is the creator and pedagogue of him; to prefer the wishes of Allah rather than his own wishes; delimitating his own wishes by the wishes of Allah; not exceeding the limits being notified by Allah taala.
Islam means to be subject to His rules by beleiving only one Creator that He has not a match, a partner and a similars; He has created the universe and all the worlds; He holds them in existence; He provides all the needs of them by His mercy and His kindness. They are called as "Muslims" the persons who are subject to the rules of Allah taala in this wise. The Arabic originated word "Muslim" means "the submitted person to Allah".
The religion being notified by all the prophets since Adam aleyhissalaam is Islam.
Each one of the prophets did not bring different religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism that the majority of people such suppose; contrarily, all the prophets have notified only one religion Islam. The people has nicknamed afterward as Judaism, Christianity. All the prophets were Muslims. All of them were sent to introduce Allah Taala who has not a match, a partner and a similar; to teach to the people to behave according to the rules of Allah, but not according to the wishes of their ego; to point the correct way to them. All of them also baded to not kill the men unmeritedly; to not do harm the humans' body and goods; to not live intercourse out the marriage, namely to not fornicate. All of them also advised to love each other; to not do spitefulness; to not tell lies. Today, all merits being possessed by the humans, either prayerful or ateist, have arrived up to us by means of the prophets of Allah.
But it is existing that, each one of the profets brought partially different rules according to the conditicons of that time. The each one of these is called as sharia. The last prophet Mohammed aleyhissalaam has also notified the rules that both to correct the false comments coming out at previous times, and to keep its currency along all times for maturing all the humans eternally.
For this reason, a man finds the right by subjecting to a whichever prophet, on condition that he must subject to essence of religion. A person who subjects to previous sharia must take attention the abolishing rules by the following sharia. Subjecting to the last prophet Mohammed aleyhissalaam is also a completely maturity. It likes to prefer the latest model auto to arrive at the destination.
My dear brother,
I'll try also to tell you Islam at my latter articles. Islam is the perpetual happiness way of the human who is a precious creature. The walking men in this way attain the salvation both in this and the other world. But also somes turning aside by subjecting to their disdainful ego go heresy for own themselves harm.
Be trusted to Allah.
About the Author:
Dr. Ismail Ulukus is a former phytopathologist and webmaster of Your Plant Medicine Portal, In these days, he has begun to write articles on religion and moral values due to a moral degeneration growing up on all the world. His communication address:
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